Tuesday, October 7, 2014

EXPO-2017: The world comes to Kazakhstan

            On October 22, the 156 people from different countries met in Paris to choose a country that will host the international exhibition EXPO-2017. The candidate cities for this event were Belgian city of Liege and Kazakhstan’s capital city Astana. As a result, 103 members of the International Bureau of Exhibition (BIE) wanted Astana to win the competition. Moreover, Kazakhstan is the first country in Central Asia and CIS countries that is going to host this kind of international event. The theme of the exhibition will be “Future Energy” and this will give Kazakhstan a great opportunity to improve and develop sustainable, global energy solutions.


    As our president Nursultan Nazarbayev said, hosting this kind of events is a big victory for our country. It is same as hosting Olympics Games, World Cups and World’s Fairs. This is a great coup for every country, because expos bring a huge amount of money and promote tourism industry. It is expected that 5 million people from 100 countries will take part in this exhibition and 3000 cultural events will be visited.


The budget of EXPO-2017 is predicted to be $3billion. The government of Kazakhstan allocated $325.25million only for the construction of buildings. Other part of money will come from investors. For example, BI Group Holding, Basis-A Corporation and SredAzElektroMontazh will invest over $500 million. Furthermore, Kazakhstan’s neighbor countries such as Russia and China will help to solve the problem related to money whereas Azerbaijan will help to build, because this country has experience in hosting events related to Green energy.

The total area of construction is 173.4 ha (hectare). 25 ha of it belong to actual exhibition center. Other 148 ha will be used to build housing projects, socio-cultural, education and health-care facilities, shopping centers, parks and boulevards. The area of the exhibition pavilions will be nearly 118 620 m^2 (meter square), service area – 95 400 m^2, and housing – 686 465 m^2. The construction of the EXPO city is planned in the Esil district, a perimeter of streets and avenues: Kabanbai Batyra, Hussein Bin Talal, Orynbor and Ryskulova.


If EXPO-2017 exhibition will be held successfully, it may bring to Kazakhstan $520-910 million of profit. Let us assume that 4 to 7 million visitors will come to Astana. According to the analysis of specialized exhibitions of recent years, one visitor brings a profit of around $130. The cost of a ticket for the previous exhibition was $30. For instance, the exhibition in 2010 brought $12 billion to China. It was visited by 73 million people.
In this section of news, mathematics is used widely. First of all, when 103 of 156 people voted for Kazakhstan, it was clear that Kazakhstan was winner, because 66% of members wanted Astana to be the center of EXPO. Secondly, in the third paragraph, there were applied simple mathematical operations.For example, the budget was $3 billion, however only $500 million and $325.25 million were given. Some people may ask that from where the remaining money come. The next application of mathematics is about area of EXPO. When we find the area, we use the units in square.
The other use of mathematics is in the last paragraph. In order to find $520-910 million, we should multiply 4-7 million to $130. Finally, it can be concluded that mathematics can be applied everywhere, even in news.
Edge : Kazakhstan, (2013). EXPO 2017 Kazakhstan, Astana 2017 Expo, World Expo | Edge : Kazakhstan. [online] Available at: http://www.edgekz.com/expo-2017-world-comes-kazakhstan/ [Accessed 7 Oct. 2014]
En.tengrinews.kz, (2014). Profits from EXPO-2017 may reach $900 million. Finance. Tengrinews.kz. [online] Available at: http://en.tengrinews.kz/finance/Profits-from-EXPO-2017-may-reach-900-million-16316/ [Accessed 7 Oct. 2014]..
Expo2017astana.com, (2014). Expo 2017. [online] Available at: http://www.expo2017astana.com/en/press/pressconferencepobeditelkonkurs [Accessed 7 Oct. 2014].
Trend, (2014). Organizing EXPO-2017 in Kazakhstan to cost around $3 billion. [online] Available at: http://en.trend.az/casia/kazakhstan/2296024.html [Accessed 7 Oct. 2014].

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